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This game is fun :D

whats this?

Usually virus total gives false positives. You so it being detected as a trojan is most likely just a false positive.

when a boss spawns the shop stops working

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Wow, this is amazing! There's an issue with the music though, it keeps stuttering, which is a shame because the music is very nice.

Edit: actually after a while I stopped having the sound stutter so idk.


yo please keep updating this game and not have it be a one time project, this game would be exponentially better if you added some form of PERMA PROGRESSION (e.g. in each run you get a score system/currency and after the run you are able to use said currency to buy permanent upgrades like HP or damage, you could do this by adding a menu at the start of the game) as right now it has little replay value.

another thing that would be awesome is that for the smiley boss you make it so the dudes head is ALWAYS on top of other tabs, its kinda annoying when i just cant damage him because my main tab is overlapping his head :(

and uh yeah my best run so far is 56 minutes survived and late game kinda sucks because you just be taking damage randomly even if i hard focus on dodging its basically impossible, this makes your hp constantly drain and forces you to look for the HP upgrades in the shop or spend your stars on HP which prevents you from actually getting stronger - this can once again be fixed by adding perma progression or just making the upgrades more impactful

you could add loads more upgrades and get hella creative with them, this game has so much potential. sadly rn a lot of the upgrades are kinda wack and dont actually have a big impact, only when you stack them loads. i would suggest buffing some upgrades (homing, freeze, fire rate, etc) or add a way to level up the upgrades/unlock new upgrades as perma progression

and uh yeah thats all i have to say this game is hella cool and you could get so creative with it, this has so much potential and if you spend a lot of time on this project you could probably make this into a proper fleshed out game that could reach a large audience :) keep up the good work

itd be really cool to add some sort of progression system. very cool game !

It sort of does, perhaps not exactly what you had in mind. It has an awesome "shop" feature.

game approved

very good game ngl

Crashing on win11, ryzen 5 7640HS using integrated graphics, opengl


opengl instead of vulkan


I wish there was Linux support.

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then use a virtualbox. but if you're on ubuntu the virtualbox is in-built into it

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that'd be a horrible user experience. virtual machines can't even run on most hardware without BIOS tweaks.

use wine instead. It translates Windows syscalls into Linux syscalls without any emulation or virtualization, so is much faster. Further, wine allows the app's windows to open like they are native windows.

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bro i know there are other options i just forgot about it dude💀💀💀

i also have linux [on my laptop] and i installed wine and idk how tf do i use it, is it just like automatically enabled?

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You'll have to launch it through wine - or though something like lutris that will manage wine for you. It's not easy, and that's why i'm upset there isn't a linux build yet.

There's a linux build now btw.

there's a linux build now. just do that

(2 edits)

I agree.

In the meantime, I used itch as a downloader, and Lutris to run the app from inside wine. That should be fairly easy to set up and debug -I've been doing it this way myself.

There's a linux build now btw.

there is now!

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It's sad that this game doesn't doesn't distribute a Linux binary - especially sad since it's the exact same amount of effort to export for Linux as Windows when you're using Godot. I bet it'd even run better on Linux than it would Windows. For now - I'm stuck with Wine.

EDIT: There's a linux build now

same with me

you should check out the linux build

i know but it wasn't there originally (btw i got the game on steam the day it released)

i saw many videos about it but sadly i cant play it

use the .bat it just works on lower end computers

still same error sadly


love the game! it's cool to see that you're using godot too lol

Coooool game


I really want to like this game; however, the balancing leaves a lot to be desired. Some of the powerups in the game feel like they have little to no impact in battle. for example:
-Homing is completely useless by all metrics. In early levels it's completely negligible and it's extremely hard to notice if it even does anything
-Fire Rate feels extremely underpowered, early it makes no difference, and it feels more like a long-term investment then an actual good powerup itself
-Freeze is only really good if you have Pierce, if not then it's useless

Another problem (though this is just my opinion) is that the powerups are kind of generic as well. They do their job I guess but it'd be nice to see a lot more variety in powerups than the choices we have now.

It also feels like the biggest enemy is really the Shop. Early-game a majority of your time is spent in the Shop to get anything more impactful as you're in a race against time before the first boss drops. It sounds pretty engaging in text, however in execution you're it's a lot of rerolling useless powerups which takes up a lot of your money fast. (Rerolling also costs more each time) In addition, the Shop can show multiple of the same item so if it's too expensive early (multi-shot lvl 2) or not the best then you need to waste more points in rerolling. All of this in the small span before the boss spawns.

Don't get me wrong I think this game is extremely creative, it does have a lot of aspects that would be fun if not for the balance. It's not really the enemies that are the problem, it's more just these underpowered powerups that negatively impacts the fun of the game.

thank for the information.

this needs to be an update


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can u make a version for people without opengl 3 cuz i can run cuz of recent graphic card changes , good game tho

godot (the game engine used) doesn't support older graphics api so you're out of choices

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Last I checked, Godot supports WebGL, OpenGL 2, OpenGL 3 and Vulkan. I think it supports the android *gl thing as well. The trick is that the gamedev has to tell Godot which ones to support, and it's not very convenient. (he's put in the work though - there's a .bat script)

Further resarch shows you're right OpenGL 2 is no longer supported.

it does yes, I know for OpenGL 3.0 and Vulkan, dunno about OGL 2.0 though, Godot should really add proper settings for it


use an .bat version if you're computer sucks (is in the folder)

This is really fantastic.

It would be super cool if all the enemy windows could be transparent like the player window, playing a game that takes place on your desktop is a super fun effect!

i love musics

Wow, what an amazing game idea!!


pls add online


Got a really low FPS after 1 hour cause of too much coins and bullets: 

so that's my record:

and fighting the smiley boss

Finally crossed the 1 hour mark, but was defeated by lag lol. I had about 50-ish levels of multishot and about 15-20 levels of wealth, it was absolute chaos. really enjoyed it :+1:

Great game. Nice concept, minimalistic pretty graphic, music that you can never get tired of. Good job. Longest run was 1 hour (acording to ingame timer). Had +- lvl 30 Multishot, 40-50+ Wealth, plenty of Splash damage and everything i could buy. The problem is at about 55 min i had 15-10 fps when shooting, and 2-5 fps after 1 hour. Later game crashed. I guess bullets and splashes are the most hard thing to process or is it spawning "children" after "parent" dies (in gamedev terminology of course). My PC is kinda strong.  And the strange thing is 

max CPU usage - 17% 

max GPU usage - 50%

max RAM usage - 51%

max GRAM usage - 4%

I am complete beginner in gamedev, so can`t be 100% sure, but does it mean that game uses only one core of processor?

A bit about balance. The only really usefull perk is Below. Drain eather too weak, or too small. Imo would be cool if after upgrade you could use 2 Drains at once or at least make it 1,5 - 2 times bigger.  About Peer, i have no idea why does it exist. Maybe i am wrong but from my pov it is just a small window to see something out of your box. Not helpfull at all cause there is nothing to seek for anyway.

And im glad that you asked. Yes, i have more crapy ideas:

- Would be cool to see stats your char have and what upgrades improves (or how much)

- How about area that regen you for e.g. 1 hp in 2-5 sec that chages location for e.g. every 30-40 sec? Peer could be used to find it

- If (hp < 15%) background_color or char_color or area_around_char = redish; Because really often it is surprise to see "Game over" screen

Anyways it was really fun to try out this game. I like concept a lot.

Update: figured out what peer does

What does it do?

Starting from lvl 2 it spawns health time over time

This game is absolutely incredible, with an amazing idea, and amazing execution! This definitely needs to be turned into a full steam game if you have the time and means to do that. After watching 30 seconds of the video I instantly knew it would be amazing, and after playing it, it is. If this were to be put on steam I know i would most likely buy it for 5-15 usd. This game is amazing!


cool game although i feel black would be a more appropriate background then purple

also on top of that maby reduce the price of multishot past like lvl 30. i can olny get it with boss tokens after that

also 200% buff the unique abilities because the manifest is always better

the only onesa you need are bellow lvl 1 and sight lvl 1 . 1 is great early game and sight is great late game cus of the time slow effect preventing computer fires

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Agree on everything, but multishot price. I mean yeah, upgrade better get through Manifest, but at lvl 30 it doesn`t realy matter. Also i don`t really understand what is a purpouse of Peerr? I guess its only can be helpfull in pause

Peer drop health when reaching level 2

perr is good because when moving it arround in active play you enter a slowmo which saves effort from your gpu

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THIS IS A GREAT GAME. I've been playing this game for over an hour now and this is my favorite game out of all the games I have.

2 bugs:
1) Smiley window can be unfocused and cross can be hidden behind main window (need to alt-tab)
2) Child slimeys (after 1st phase) can be killed with "bellow"

And yes, in 50+ minutes of gameplay player missing bullets are causing huge lag.

1 million in cash :D

1 million in cash

I love this concept.


oh yeah also mabye add some more bosses? here is one that i litterally just thougt of:
the sun will shoot rays of idk from its center (like the real sun) and if you touch those rays then your upgrades decrease in power and mabye you'll even lose them but the rays stop if they hit an edge of its window or any window. but you still have to shoot it to defeat it so its basicly like Take damage, shoot, take damage, shoot, take damage, shoot and so on and so fourth. in its second phase (yes it has 2 phases) then it turns into the moon. the moon will darken every window currently on screen thats related to WindowKill and you still have to shoot it to defeat it. though it will drop 2 stars because it basicly just turns into another boss when you defeat the first one.

yeah i know that this comment is long but i am litterally reccommending a boss so yeah

This is certified dank


So fucking good, so so good in the beginning, but the end game is atrocious. Really hope this continuous to get updates SUCH a cool idea. also maybe think about putting it on steam when its more updated, people will definitely pay for this and play this game. such a genius idea. i like music too

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if you wanna have a frog while playing go download desktop frog run the frog.exe.

First Time ? Hey develop , Create Skill Magnetic plsssssssssssssssssssss.

died on purpose because of low-fps about 2-3 for last 30 minutes

please optimize "end"-game (after about 30 minutes of playing, alot of coins around cause fps drop)

1 hour of playing

game over screen


full screen of game over
skipping heal

how do you view your skills when you die

they view it before dying and took screenshot


this time it wasn't skill issue, i was literally on 2 seconds per frame :sob:

oh yeah this happened to me too

though i reccomend buying bellow as your first ability because it lets you dodge attacks that you normally couldnt dodge without bellow and also it increases the FPS for me

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this game is perfect stress-test-app for PCs


Hey also, would it be fine if I made your game in turbowarp?
Turbowarp has window controls and I've already started trying out different code to make closest to this awesome game! Scratch, yes, is a very simple coding platform but can get complicated, a little.
All I'm asking is if I could make a ripoff scratch version lol.


they don't own the idea of a window moving shoot em up so probably yeah

noice, I'll post a demo of it soon then!

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useless u put some code that is the idea

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