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Honestly the most impressive concept and a technical feat I've seen in a while. Amazing, I look forward to what's gonna come next!


this is insane, i was at 2-5fps late game T_T

woah youre getting a little too spicy with your coins

it gets super hard at that point, too laggy and i cant click the smiley bosses down so if another one spawns while im alr in the middle of one its over

The game keeps crashing for me constantly



This game should be considered a drug


it should.
I've been playing it for hours


i only play it when i have nothing else to do even though i still have 4 more floors to beat on pizza tower

Bro I normally have a username "iStoleYOurToast" I'm sadge I didn't use it on here or it would be funny.


What does Peer actually do??


I think it gives extra vision?? That's it.


If also sat in the designated slot, along with drain, Peer starts to create health pickups


oohh I didnt know that!

(1 edit) (+1)

isnt that just lvl2 peer? also thats used for something else btw

I say bellow is my favorite, especially while fighting that stupid wyrm thing, it LAGS my game.



(2 edits)

I saw many people who reached the best of his runs, but i (probably) will the first person, who show you the real beating of windowkill:

(1 edit) (+1)

Some bonus, or something?


i beat this game a week ago or smth

now i sit here, lie in wait till they add something new

though ur definitely the first person to show anyone the real victory screen

i want this

You remind me while I waiting for new build of project zomboid with new 3d engine.

Hello! I'm interested in your project, I want to offer you cooperation, I can make a design for your game, if you decide to, write to discord: xailuoz

I can also help with localization into Russian

зашел в его дискврот?

Translated: went into his diskgot?
(powered by google translate)

*Got into his diskrot?*

Now yes

I'm Japanese, I love this game. If possible, I want to help localization to Japanese. Please contact me if you are interested.


Dis mean anything?

the 50% off for your upgrade once




very cool game overall, but end game experience isnt very good (5fps)

i use a gamer laptop so this probably wont be a problem

Please add localization

it is not nessesary, the basically knowledge of English will be enough

Awesome game! Keep it up!

Would really like to be able to reassign bindings to whatever suits me most.

hey bud have you heard of AutoHotKey


really liked it, there is a point of it is very easey, but it its very challeging before that.
good job


This is awesome!

I love the clever use of the windows as game mecanics.

My best run was 34 minutes (20 stars), I played until the game lagged to much for me to dodge

(1 edit)

TWENTY STARS??????????????

Some people got 70, It becomes easier after some time, but start to lag a lot because there is money everywhere

Cool, but i feel like the blue window shrinking things spawn wayy to much

what blue window

Damn i did improve from last time, personal best :+1:

i tried running the opengl version and tried to use opengl3. didnt work, i guess im not playing windowkill.

uhhhhhhhhhhh just use normal opengl

(1 edit) (+2)

I would like it to be for Linux. I tried it with Wine and it is laggy and akward to play, but still playable. I saw you use Godot, I think it is easy to make it that way.

I agree

yeah, it's very easy
(source: i use it XD)

I use it too.

this is super clever!

(1 edit)

Hey the smiley in game is a boss

(1 edit)

also right as i pressed the reply button the "4 days ago" thingy turned into "5 days ago"
what are the chances lololol


Incredible game!

!emag elbidercnI

I used Bellow, Drain, Peer. To cast a ritual for an ultimate weapon. And i broke the window, that Emoji Boss does not tolerate reality bending and it`s up to trying to destroys us.

(also during the bossfight the game suddenly closes without any reason so torcado fix this)


Probably one of the greatest and most creative games I've ever seen


What does drain do?

Drain, is a red zone that damages enemies who`s standing on that zone.

you can move the window too but the enemies still move very slowly


hey there! any plans to make multiplayer for windowkill? it would take some adjustments for various mechanics already in the game but... multiplayer would be really cool, i know it's easier said than done lol

mabye a lobby system? also i'll make a mockup or whatever for the multiplayer lobby

i'll make the hardmode lobby too


Cool game, but it is quite challanging for me. I would love to see some window scaling option becouse the game is really hard on my 4K display where everything is small and the bosses are soo far. 

(3 edits) (+2)

make it so heals will show more often if your health is below 7. I have died soo many times because this thing isn't here. Please add it in thee 3.0 update if you plan on releasing it Torcado. Also please add a difficulty system so you can choose the game's difficulty. It would affect enemy spawn rates, shop prices, enemy and boss health, and rewards. It would be really useful. Consider adding these 2 things to the 3.0 update. And make it so that there can be only 1 boss at a time. It's because I had 2 smiley bosses and I died. It would be really cool if you would add it.


The game randomly closes for some reason after I encounter the ||secret stage|| I think it has to do with clicking on the window.

I am repeatedly encountering a bug that crashes the game. It sometimes happens right away, and sometimes later on, and as far as I can tell, it only happens when a bullet hits the edge of the window. It happens in both exe and gl versions, no difference. When it happens in the gl version, there is the following message in the console window:

WARNING: Could not create render target, status: 1285

     at: GLES3::TextureStorage::_update_render_target (drivers\gles3\storage\texture_storage.cpp:1770)

Please fix :(

A video game with a very original premise! Its mechanics of the individual windows seem surprising to me and you have shown that Godot, (the game engine created from Argentina) can be taken seriously when creating video games, free or even commercial , I have had fun playing this game and from someone who has also been using Godot for a while I find it incredible.

I only found one bug from the time I played:

- When there are many windows open at the same time it causes the store to respond strangely when selecting an item, the Item shakes too much, resulting in it no longer being able to be seen because it leaves the screen (You can still buy the items but not having a view of the purchase ends up being uncomfortable, it hurts more due to the late game)

PD: I am very interested in the development of this project.

Very original concept,very fun and really hectic later on!With that said i did encounter some bugs that i'd like to talk about:
1. 30 minutes in,i couldnt shoot the window to expand it and the only way to do so was with the bellow perk.
2. Opening the shop sometimes didnt work and only paused the game.
3. When i died it didnt display my stats.
4. This isnt a bug but,the late game did feel kind of easy so i think difficulty options that could make the game harder or easier would be really good.
Again though,bugs aside,this is a great game that has alot of potential to become something really special!

1. im pretty sure the smiley boss grabbed your gun (that happened to me once)
2. just reopen the shop
3. ok seriously are you using windows 1.0 for windowkill
4. i would select effortless because too many bosses


Have you considered open source this project on github? I am very interested in the development of this project.


Awesome game! Have you thought about selling the game in Steam? Just like if it was another donation option, it's also possible to reach far more people that way

Also the game objects (you, the enemies, projectiles, the windows themself) do not scale with resolution, which makes the gameplay area scale with resolution, so playing in a 4K screen makes it huge making bosses that move far more difficult as you have to move a lot more. I suppose that playing at 720p would also change the area and would make it smaller, also affecting difficulty.

(3 edits)

Yeah, I found it really dificult playing on my 4K screen where the windows are two timessmaller and bosses spawn much further from me. Some window scaling option would be a huge help.

(3 edits) (+4)

(Bump this comment if you people want/know about a discord)

here's some tips/info on my strategy for the game

  1. Wealth is a must, get this first very early, try to get wealth 2 before the snake
  2. Max Health is VERY important, gives you 5 hp each time bought, get this after wealth ASAP, trust me on this
  3. Multi shot should be bought before snake, at least 1 upgrade of it (helps with the segments a ton)
  4. Homing should be bought after multi shot its really good groups bullets together
  5. Fire rate is a must as multi shot downs your fire rate
  6. Freezing is optional but good if you get swarmed to much
  7. Wall bang is optional up til snake (depends on how much screen you're trying to hit to keep space open, (hit your shots)
  8. Speed is good to get but not to much of an issue until later?
  9. Splash is needed once you get to slime/start looping

you can right click on upgrades to lock them if you re-roll

storing a health upgrade is very helpful if you run low, try to stay off from buying until you have around 1-2 hp left, price increase is exponential for everything

storing 3 of the same upgrade will cut the price a decent amount, this is helpful for multi shot and wealth the most I've found for later game, then spam buy/re roll until you get 3 of the wanted upgrade

perk tips/info

  1. Bellow upgrade is a must before anything else upgraded, works the Same just ups screen area, get it first before anything else

  2. Peer at tier 2 heals, + heals drop on the ground, not sure what the de-spawn rate is but I've seen at least 5 stacked, higher levels allow for more screen area seen and quicker heals to drop

 3. The damage box thing is useful? good for running enemy's around it to give yourself some space, higher level creates a bigger area

That is all the things I can think of at the moment, game starts to get easy after a point but its a VERY well designed, fun, and bumping game to play/screen share to friends, I salute to you torcado

also an Exp/Point collection area upgrade would be really cool to :)

What does peer level 1 do?

lets you see enemies before theyve reached your window but bosses are basicly just temporary peers

Anyone having problems with the pengl version crashing


(1 edit) (+3)

(OpenGL version) After about 30 minutes of playing i manifested so many multishots that my character has become the Sun, the emitter of particles(trademark). The  design of the game is surprisingly genius. Your bullets don't JUST kill enemies, enough of them actually kill your FPS, allowing you to clip through enemies at 1 frames per your heartbeat. If you, in this condition of the game, press space and open your shop, you'll find out that all the shop items are genuinely afraid of you and fly offscreen when you touch them (I'm not even joking). I also generously donated my money into upgrading my wealth, eventually upgrading it to an extent where the entire field was covered in purple. I kept manifesting all my golden points into multishot and eventually it manifested a black hole inside of my computer. 10/10 will try again after buying a new pc

this is my favorite comment

WHY ARE YOU USING WINDOWS 7>?????????????????

to annoy people like u who care about it too much

it isn't annoy me

What are the chances of this happening?

absolutely randomly


(1 edit)

i think this game gets a little bit too easy after a certain point, so maybe a harder varient of each boss would be cool. (spiker > spikiest, slimest > goopest, smiley > angry, and i havent thought of anything for wyrm) EDIT: the harder varients do things like add extra health, attack speed, and new patterns








37.3 minutes later, after viewing what gradually became a psychedelic Jackson Pollock painting, after framerates changing inversely with my heartrate, I'm actually trembling.


is there a way to set it to open on my 2nd monitor instead of my main monitor

by opening it on your second monitor

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