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Great Game.


like it, but at some point i physsically cant shoot fast enough to keep the walls away anymore.
which is fun when enemies are approaching and the boss shoots at you.

barely beat the boss after playing for like 20 minutes...
well, got first star before I finally died.
stuff sure gets expensive after a while

I love this game, it's fun

I would say playing this game on a 32:9 monitor is the hard mode. It works perfectly and some windows open in the corners.

best game ever


If you buy this version, do you also get a steam key?


nope you just get the build, if you want to buy it just buy it on steam or something idk


I don’t think so but, if you do buy it on here try link your steam account first in your settings


the madman unleashed this game on steam

it's 10% off


Suggestions for 3.0.2 while I'm here:
- Nerf Manifesting so it ramps up in stars like the perks, maybe starting a little slower (it's OP)

- Slightly decrease the amount of nuclear derp Slimer spews (it's almost undodgeable and forces Bellow plus laggy)

- Make Wyrm spawn near the edges of the screen so he doesn't instantly deal unavoidable collision damage or force Bellow to be used at the exact right time

- Put a cap on:

 - the amount of max HP you can get (to prevent immortality)

 - on how much multishot you can get (to prevent lagging out, really high so skilled players can still get 360 degree multishot)

 - on how much wall punch you can get, or add diminishing returns (to prevent trivializing the game's shrinking window gimmick) 

 - on how much fire rate and speed you can get (to prevent lagging out and becoming uncontrollable)

- on how many of the same boss can be alive at once

(1 edit)

Where 3.0, also how do I update in a manner such that my PBs don't get wiped?

EDIT: It's on steam who cares about highscores when you can have multiplayer and achievements

This is what sucks about being on Linux. You don't get to play masterpieces like this!

(1 edit)

I tested the OpenGL version of the 2.0 release on Arch with WineHQ installed, and it worked like a charm! You should give it a try maybe (didn't try 3.0 for now sorry about that)

Edit: Apparently there is a Linux version for 3.0 lol, my bad (2.0 doesn't have any though)

I have a trash laptop.  Wine kills my laptop


Well now there is a Linux version for 3.0, try installing it from Steam!

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Cool game

so manifesting seems strong
(1 edit) (+1)

yea, i haven't beaten the game yet but i basically went full manifesting only into multishot

the dev should either remove manifesting or balance it by either making it more expensive or making the abilities more powerful (i don't find peer or drain really useful)

Yeah manifest OP. I think the best way to fix this is to make the price slowly increase.


I NEED 3.0



Windows XP


one of the best games i have ever played


Hi. Please address memory issue with your game.

After ~20 mins of playing game started to take 10 gb of ram.
Which is quite ODD for a 20 mb game.


epic, can’t wait to get on steam

(1 edit) (+1)

This is my favorite game so far! Such a cool mechanic for the game and it is so addicting. Good work!


Works on linux with bottles (proton) !

Not to mention the native Linux build!

Whoa how did I miss that 😅


Smiley keeps going behind my main window and it eventually stacked up into two and eventually killed me with the red orb. Cool game.


in the setings you can set it so smiley window is always on top


if you have 50+ hp then you become immortal, especially if you upgrade peer. i only lost because i was tired of playing

No idea how you guys manage to chieve these scores and beat so many bosses. the shit tons of enemies and bulletsalwayskill me soone ror later, I donteven have time to take care of the boss

can you close it?



was on the slime boss and it closed itself


absolute fire game


I'm not as amazing as some of these comments, but I really loved this game. I've never seen anything so creative. Thank you for sharing your hard work.

Here's my playthrough if anyone wants to see: 

Hohoho, yea


tehe i used wine to run this on linux

There's a linux version now!


This game is so stressful that I accidentally lit my neighbor's house on fire


what are controller controls

cool game.may i know what game engine did you use to make this game


godot 4


It says it in the startup.


Linux support?

use wine


i do, but it's not very good on wine

there's a linux build now!

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