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you need to pay for this on steam while here is optional, i feel scammed


Here its a limited version you dont really get the full version or im missing something

(1 edit)

se você pegar por aqui sem pagar voce so tem acesso a versão da gamejam e a 2.0, se vc quiser o jogo completo(vai por mim, vale muito apena) 3.0 pra cima(que vai por mim, vale muito apena), daí ou vc paga 5 dolares aqui na mesmo ou compra na steam que é mais barato e compensa mais (5 dolares = 25 reais enquanto na steam e 16,99), esse preço barato é quase um crime de tão incrivel que esse jogo é


a masterpiece


Hi, I had some issues out of the box, so I wanted to post a guide incase other people had issues: (I'm on v4.0.0c)

I'm on Linux with KDE Plasma & Wayland, it seems you need to enable the "focused-input only" or else you can't move or shoot. Additionally, "backing window" disabled all my input (so I can't even close the game easily), unless I also enable "fake windows". It seems this is because the backing window is overlayed over the other windows, and if I turn up the transparency it is above everything else. I also get flickering, which can be fixed by enabling "fake windows". If things like the flickering can't be fixed, I hope it can at least choose working out-of-the-box defaults. Sorry if this comes off as a complaint, I just wanted to provide instructions incase others had the same happen to them. Thanks for the fun game!

bought the game on steam while it was on sale.

Very fun and creative game. 

this looks dope as hell. unfortunately its not the kind of game i play, but i still wanted to give my praise for how unique of  a concept this is.

Really good, but I downloaded the files off of before getting the launcher (about 3 months ago). After getting this game on the launcher, I noticed the absence of music. What happened?

I absolutely love this game, but (I'm assuming this is a bug) I can't turn transparency mode off once on. I changed my background in display settings back to "Void" but it still won't change back. Also I believe for some reason the other backgrounds I've also unlocked are transparent now too? For example "Cell" still has it's own design as the background i.e. the background has like a grid (Like it's normal design) But it's transparent. If anyone knows a fix, please let me know!

(2 edits) (+1)

PLEASE for the love of god add some i-frames, i’m tired of bumping into an enemy and being sent into a cluster of like 50 of those triangle fuckers and losing 20-30 health points when i only have 10 or 20

Question: If Version 4 ever comes out, does version 3 become free? Or will the 2.0.3 and the old ludum dare stay free and the others will stay at a cost?
Just Curious.

Buff Wyrm

Nerf the "punching the window" attack of Smiley.
great game, can keep me interested for a concerning amount of time.


Late-game looks like a PowerPoint presentation, Im talking like 2 FPS

I hate Smiley

Wyrm and Slimest need a buff


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