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was on the slime boss and it closed itself


absolute fire game


I'm not as amazing as some of these comments, but I really loved this game. I've never seen anything so creative. Thank you for sharing your hard work.

Here's my playthrough if anyone wants to see: 

Hohoho, yea


tehe i used wine to run this on linux

There's a linux version now!


This game is so stressful that I accidentally lit my neighbor's house on fire


what are controller controls

cool game.may i know what game engine did you use to make this game


godot 4


It says it in the startup.


Linux support?

use wine


i do, but it's not very good on wine

there's a linux build now!


First off, I love the game. its the perfect rouge like/bullet hell/cool game. 

But the things id like to see added is:

A pop-up that asks "are you sure you want to quit" if you accidentally press the "close window" icon.

A power up for more collection area

My best stats are:

Power ups: |Speed 54| |Fire rate 60| |Multi shot 20| |Homing 19| |Wealth 33| |Wall punch 51| |Heal 55| |Max health 33|                     |Freezing 25| |Piercing 19| |Splash damage 32|

Abilities: |Peer 6| |Drain 7| |Bellow 7|

Game over stats:

Coins collected: 9,734,069

Stars collected: 75

Time survived: 1:29:43.67

Bullets fired: 491122

Enemies killed: 193,051

Bosses killed: 75

Yep touhou project is the same


yaay :)
i remember discovering this project in 1.0, and i'm excited to see how 3.0 shapes up :D

Came back to the game cause the current version fixes a crash I had experienced when reaching the boss, so glad it's fixed!

epic concept.

lovely game

Prob could of gone on longer but a smiley kept hiding behind the windows.

Cool game you

Had to give up bc my pc was dying lol. Rly fun tho

Same lol. This game get's real laggy later on.


You should let the player rebind their keyboard and controller inputs.

I'm french so i don't have the luxury of owning a wasd keyboard.

Also i can't either pause or open the perk menu with my xbox360 controller (the controller have no issues, i checked).

Very fun game though.


so close but yet so far


Really fun, but I accidentally pressed a bunch of random stuff while clicking outside the window lol.

why isnt v3 on

is it just another steam game that i cant get now

v3 isn't out yet, although i'm not sure if it'll be on when it is

oh ok

it's out now.


Well, I hope V3 get some fixes :)

26 mil

This game is absouletly awsome!! I realy want to show my gamer friends

(1 edit)

The game is great! Super exiting and thrilling!! There's not a single moment in the run when you can get bored

Absolutely Awesome!!

how to open windowkill-opengl.bat version, only gives me command prompt


PLS can you add 32 bit PLSSSS


Got this far and the intentionally killed myself because I was getting like 1 frame every 2-5 business days lol.

Great game!

What engine?


i think it doesn't use a game engine, straight up C++, i think in the final boss battle it uses GDI+ (or windows with invisible background)


Godot. It still says that in Task Manager.

I thought so, I felt like I remembered seeing it on r/Godot a while back but wasn't sure if this was the same project or a different sub

Damn nice game 

Estuve promocionando su juego como loco porque me gusto mucho.


I was advertising his game like crazy because I liked it so much. 😁


I would really appreciate a linux build


there is one now!


i would say the game is good but the one thing i think should be changed or altered is things being able to spawn outside the box, having no spawn visual and just being able to sneak up on you, i get if you want it to be hard but atleast make a visual for it or something

yep,when you get to clsoe to the walls and stuff comes from off screen, you sure take some damage


first time playing and my god it is entertaining. most of the game went in 5 fps and constant right click spam but it was soo fun :D

чел ты русский?


Ну да, а что?

(1 edit)

New record! I think I did pretty good, considering I downloaded the game today. This game is a lot of fun, however I do recommend the OpenGL version as it seems to be more stable and less prone to crashes. My one complaint is that the game becomes very easy once you get to like 50 health and 8+ multishots. But overall a very fun time! Thank you to the dev for making this game!

(also i've heard there's a secret boss but I have no idea how to access it help)

(edit: i beat the secret boss.)

this might be like a top 10 run all time

My best score yet.


Thank you torcado for coming to my friends 24 hour stream a few days ago and talking about it in the chat! Everyone that was there is very excited for the game's steam release and have already wishlisted it. We're looking forward to version 3.0 releasing on steam and can't wait to use remote play for the game's multiplayer co-op.

I went ahead and checked the most recent version of the game, v2.0.3, on my own linux machine and verified that the game works almost perfectly using wine 8.21.

The game was very addicting to play although the difficulty wears off the further you progress in the game. As it is, the upgrade system scales very well in the early and middle stages of the game until the player character becomes an unkillable god and upgrade levels become mere numbers.

With the game's current bosses, they're all very well designed with different phases involved. The spike's fire rate increases each time it teleports, the worm splits into multiple parts when a part is damaged enough, the slime also splits into varying parts when damaged enough which affects the size of shot projectiles, and smiley is the most annoying thing on the planet.  There were some issues I did have while playing the game.

There were two issues that I had, which I believe to be applicable regardless of setup. The most important of these is keyboard support since, as far as I know, it is not possible to change the default controls. This was a problem as I use a colemak keyboard layout and had to change the layout to qwerty (English US) in my system settings. Another issue was with the smallest variant of the slime enemy since it would get stuck at the top of the screen after the medium slime split apart where I could not expand the window all the way, I was still able to shoot the slime but this might be because I had the 'confine to one window' option on.

The other issues I had were with the final boss as the window that needs to be shot would not stay on top of the main window resulting in my shots being blind for the whole fight. Background transparency also did not work properly as the entire screen was either black or white depending on how  tweaked the settings. These issues are more likely than not either because I'm running linux or how I've oriented my system rather than issues with the game itself.

With that word salad down and digested, I'd like to again state that this game is very cool and I can't wait for version 3.0 to be released on steam! This is a really cool project and I'd love to see all sorts of weird enemy designs you have planned for the update. And of course, thank you for the good few hours of entertainment your games provided during the stream.

TLDR: This game is awesome, the dev is really cool, and I'll be expecting a rat in version 3.0

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